Practical Routes for the Production of Biofuels via TKIS’s Gasification Technologies (2015)
Paper presented at the International Advanced Biofuels Conference – for Aviation, Maritime and Land Transport 16-17 September 2015, Stockholm, Sweden (pdf)
Paper presented at the International Advanced Biofuels Conference – for Aviation, Maritime and Land Transport 16-17 September 2015, Stockholm, Sweden (pdf)
Gasification is a process of thermal conversion of solid carbonaceous materials into a gaseous fuel called syngas. Coal gasification is an efficient technology for a range of systems for producing low emissions electricity and other high value products such as chemicals, synthetic fuels, etc. The paper presents the ThyssenKrupp’s PRENFLO gasification process which is designed…
The demand on chemicals such as ammonia, urea, methanol etc. is continuously increasing worldwide; however, the pressure on the production costs leads to both: (i) looking for more efficient units and technologies, and (ii) looking for alternative resources. Recently natural gas (NG), being the main source for production of chemicals, became extremely expensive or sometimes…
The book Combustion of Pulverised Coal in a Mixture of Oxygen and Recycled Flue Gas focuses on a niche technology, combustion of coal in an oxygen rich environment, which is one approach to obtaining ‘clean coal,’ by making it easier to capture carbon that is released in the combustion process. Toporov’s book breaks ground on…
In the WE countries, US and Japan the waste incineration have been established during last 30 years as the main option of the use of the energy stored in the MSW. Although the net efficiency in such plants is very low (below 20%), the high gate-fees make this type of business very profitable and lead…