Gasification TechnologiesCombustion TechnologiesCourses & Seminars

Gasification Technologies

Experience and Expertise in Clean Conversion of waste, biomass and coal into energy, chemicals and fuels

Combustion Technologies

Research, Development and Design of Clean and Efficient Combustion Techniques

Courses & Seminars

Top level expertise in teachning, organisation of work-shops & seminars on energy related topics


Durung the last century, the world witnessed an accelerating technological development in almost all aspects of human life, resulting in rapidly improving living standards in vast majority of countries. This development would have been impossible without cheep and available energy. Fossil fuel (natural gas, oil and coal) has played and continues to play a significant role in meeting the global demand for energy services. The major challenges facing fossil fuels, however, are concerned with their environmental impacts in terms of both their production and their use.  Nowerdays, new technologies are available that facilitate the use of fossil fuels in an environmentally more friendly way, reducing drastically their pollutant emissions and increasing the overall efficiency of their use.



CleanGasTec is aiming to make the state-of-the-art fuel conversion technologies available worldwide. We make the connection between the newest  developments in clean technologies and the practice.



If you want to develop a project in the field of combustion or gasification and you need open mind advices and guidelines for the best-fit technology to your project, please contact us.